[Download free ebook] Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class (Race and American Culture)

 | #1740072 in Books |  1993-10-28 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.56 x1.08 x6.38l, | File Name: 0195078322 | 328 pages

||10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.| Ambivalent|By Mark Levine|An unquestionably serious study of an undeniably significant manifestation of race in the 18th century, with ramifications a century later, but a very dense and overly academic text makes this tough going. Somehere in here is an argument that minstrelsy was far from the purely racist phenomenon that many would take it to be then and now, but it ofte

For over two centuries, America has celebrated the very black culture it attempts to control and repress, and nowhere is this phenomenon more apparent than in the strange practice of blackface performance. Born of extreme racial and class conflicts, the blackface minstrel show sometimes usefully intensified them. Based on the appropriation of black dialect, music, and dance, minstrelsy at once applauded and lampooned black culture, ironically contributing to a "blackeni...

[PDF.bw44]  Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class (Race and American Culture)
Rating: 3.95 (690 Votes)

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