[Download free ebook] Head First Programming: A learner's guide to programming using the Python language

 | #248854 in Books |  O'Reilly Media |  2009-12-04 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x1.00 x8.00l,1.48 | File Name: 0596802374 | 442 pages


||4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.| Begin your journey here|By Bill|The head First series of leaning is by far one of the most ingenious and effective learning methods I've encountered. I work in the Software Dev field and wanted to expand my skillset in Python and Java.

I've tried other study guides with marginal success - Head First is straight forward, easy to understand, and the programs you writ|About the Author|
|David Griffiths began programming at age 12, after being inspired by a documentary on the work of Seymour Papert. At age 15 he wrote an implementation of Papert's computer language LOGO. After studying Pure Mathematics at University, he b

Looking for a reliable way to learn how to program on your own, without being overwhelmed by confusing concepts? Head First Programming introduces the core concepts of writing computer programs -- variables, decisions, loops, functions, and objects -- which apply regardless of the programming language. This book offers concrete examples and exercises in the dynamic and versatile Python language to demonstrate and reinforce these concepts.


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Rating: 4.65 (477 Votes)

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You easily download any file type for your device.Head First Programming: A learner's guide to programming using the Python language   |  David Griffiths, Paul Barry. Which are the reasons I like to read books. Great story by a great author.

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