(Download free pdf) Murach's Python Programming

 | #35571 in Books |  2016-12-13 | Original language:English |  9.90 x1.50 x8.00l, | File Name: 1890774979 | 590 pages

||9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.| Your side-by-side tutorial really works !!!|By New To Sewing|This is by far the best PYTHON tutorial I have come across. I owe my DB2 skills to MURACH's DB2 book , and now I will owe my PYTHON to this book. Tried UDEMY, UDACITY, some other video and printed tutorials but didnt get the feel of it. I was so glad when MURACH announced they will be coming out with one for pytho| |

Section 1 Essential concepts and skills

|Chapter 1 An introduction to Python programming|Chapter 2 How to write your first programs|Chapter 3 How to code control statements|Chapter 4 How to define and use functions and modules

If you want to learn how to program but don't know where to start, this is the right book and the right language for you. From the first page, our unique self-paced approach will help you build competence and confidence in your programming skills. And Python is the best language ever for learning how to program because of its simplicity and breadth...two features that are hard to find in a single language.

But this isn't just a book for newbies! Our self-paced ...

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