(Read now) Stone on CGIDEV2

 | #12429743 in Books |  2002-02-28 | Original language:English |  11.25 x10.25 x1.25l, | Binding: Ring-bound | 197 pages

||From the Publisher|Rochester Initiative publishes iSeries computer training courses developed by leading programming experts. They offer practical hands-on training for iSeries organizations around the world. These self-paced courses include a manual of step-by

This training manual starts you off by explaining how to download, install and configure the CGIDEV2 toolkit on your AS/400. It then takes you through each of the subprocedures included in the toolkit.

Each section clearly explains how and when to use each subprocedure as well as any input and output parameters that are required. Understanding what you are doing is just as important as actually doing it. And these chapters will really open your eyes to the fantasti...

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Logic Programming: PROLOG and Steam Parallel Languages
Logic and Architecture Synthesis: Proceedings of the Ifip Tc10/Wg10.5 Workshop on Logic and Architecture Synthesis, Paris, France, 30 May-1 June 199
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