[Library ebook] C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)

 | #80558 in Books |  Sams Publishing |  2004-11-25 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x1.53 x7.38l,4.00 | File Name: 0672326973 | 1224 pages


||21 of 23 people found the following review helpful.| The go-to book for learning C++|By A. Campbell|I've heard a lot of good things about Prata's C books and the book lives up to the hype. I come from a Matlab/Perl/Python background and wanted to add C++ to my repertoire to help with Arduino programming and speed up code written in other languages. Although I'm familiar with programming, I've had little experience of C and C++|About the Author||Stephen Prata teaches astronomy, physics, and computer science at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California. He received his B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

If you are new to C++ programming, C++ Primer Plus, Fifth Edition is a friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide. You will cover the latest and most useful language enhancements, the Standard Template Library and ways to streamline object-oriented programming with C++. This guide also illustrates how to handle input and output, make programs perform repetitive tasks, manipulate data, hide information, use functions and build flexible, easily modifiable program...

[PDF.vk69]  C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)
Rating: 4.61 (658 Votes)

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You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)   |  Stephen Prata.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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