(Mobile ebook) Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists

 | #90188 in Books |  Alex Joseph DeCaria |  2016-05-01 | Original language:English |  10.00 x.80 x7.01l,1.52 | Binding: Perfect Paperback | 278 pages

 | Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists

||0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.| Five Stars|By Customer|This book is great! Thanks.|0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| Five Stars|By russell eichblatt|an amazing author!| |"[W]what sets Alex DeCaria apart from other Python authors? For me it is his clarity of writing, approachable style, and scientific judgment on which topics to cover. He's a working scientist who has taught scientific programming extensively, and it shows in

Python has rapidly become a dominant language in the scientific community for analyzing and visualizing data, in part due to its concise, intuitive syntax and free availability without the purchase of an expensive license. The syntax of the language itself is easy to pick up, but learning how to plot, visualize, and analyze scientific data has required more effort in the past, as the relevant resources are spread across the Internet. Hence, the idea for this book. Speci...

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You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists   |  Alex J. DeCaria. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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