[Library ebook] Pro Objective-C

 | #2391830 in Books |  Keith Lee |  2013-09-06 |  2013-09-06 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  10.00 x1.08 x7.01l,1.79 | File Name: 143025050X | 476 pages

 | Pro Objective C

||1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| Great book|By S|Excellent book. I usually prefer the O'Reily series but thIs book contains a lot of the information needed to know on a high-mid to senior level knowledge of the language. Highly recommended to any objective c developer looking to learn the "advance" parts of objective c. Covers details like multithreading, blocks, web services, etc.|0 of 0 people found the fo|About the Author|Keith Lee is a Technologist with over 20 years of experience designing and implementing information systems, primarily in the areas of enterprise IT, mobile and desktop application development, and Web 2.0 technologies.

The Objective-C programming language continues to grow in popularity and usage because of the power and ease-of-use of the language itself, along with the numerous features that continue to be added to the platform.  If you have a basic knowledge of the language and want to further your expertise, Pro Objective-C is the book for you.

Pro Objective-C provides an in-depth, comprehensive guide to the language, its runtime, and key API&r...

[PDF.rs96] Pro Objective-C
Rating: 3.61 (639 Votes)

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You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Pro Objective-C   |  Keith Lee. I have read it a couple of times and even shared with my family members. Really good. Couldnt put it down.

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