(Read free) Learn to Program with C++

 | #2966210 in Books |  2002-10-28 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.10 x1.52 x7.20l, | File Name: 0072225351 | 624 pages

||0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.| Great for Newbie|By Charles|Like many others have noted: this is great for people with hardly any structured education on programming. I work in business analysis on the sales side and always wanted to know more about what my IT staff had to do in order to deliver the solutions and applications I demanded from them. I went on YouTube and watched some free tutorials offered t|From the Back Cover||The easiest technical book you'll ever read. Open it up and see for yourself! |Join Professor Smiley's C++ class as he teaches essential skills in programming, coding, and more. Using a student-instructor conversational format, this book st

More than 100,000 programmers owe their careers to Professor John Smiley. In this unique guide, the guru himself will teach you, in a classroom setting, how to program with C++. Learn from more than 100 questions and answers as well as real-world programming projects.

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