(Download) Just Enough C/C++ Programming

 | #3147761 in Books |  Course Technology PTR |  2007-11-12 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  1.01 x7.53 x9.15l,1.73 | File Name: 1598634682 | 400 pages


C/C++ programming is often thought of as inaccessible, but these languages form the basis for many other programming languages and paradigms, and as such are vital, necessary skills for any IT professional to learn. Just Enough C/C++ Programming provides an intelligent layperson's guide to programming. The book does not assume you are dimwitted, like so many other beginning programming texts do, but it doesn't assume you are an engineer either. It simply gives you enoug...

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You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Just Enough C/C++ Programming   |  Guy W. Lecky-Thompson.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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