[Download pdf] Python, PyGame and Raspberry Pi Game Development

 | #1598995 in Books |  Ingramcontent |  2016-12-24 |  2016-12-24 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.50 x6.10l, | File Name: 1484225163 | 198 pages

 | Python Pygame and Raspberry Pi Game Development

||About the Author|Sloan Kelly is an experienced software developer with over 18 years of progressive experience. Hands-on professional with a proven record of success and delivery.  Skills include C#, C/C++, Unity3D, Windows Presentation Foundatio

Gain the basics of Python and use PyGame to create fast-paced video games with great graphics and sounds. You'll also learn about object oriented programming (OOP) as well as design patterns like model-view-controller (MVC) and finite state machines (FSMs).

Python, PyGame and Raspberry Pi Game Development teaches you how to use Python and PyGame on your computer. Whether you use Windows, macOS, Linux, or a Raspberry Pi you can unleash the power of...

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