(Mobile library) Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller I: Assembly Language Programming (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)

 | #2467490 in Books |  2009-07-22 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.35 x7.50l,.60 | File Name: 1608450058 | 152 pages

The vast majority of computers in use today are encapsulated within other systems. In contrast to general-purpose computers that run an endless selection of software, these embedded computers are often programmed for a very specific, low-level and often mundane purpose. Low-end microcontrollers, costing as little as one dollar, are often employed by engineers in designs that utilize only a small fraction of the processing capability of the device because it is either mo...

[PDF.sw18]  Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller I: Assembly Language Programming (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)
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