(Get free) Python Programming with Oracle Database

 | #5809270 in Books |  2009-08-14 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.38 x7.52l,.69 | File Name: 1608300137 | 176 pages

||5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.| I hope second edition will be better!|By Ales Kavsek|Hands down this book deserves to be on the bookshelf of python & Oracle professional for one reason only - it's the only book that is trying to cover cx_Oracle in a systematic way. So why I gave only one star?
Out of 174 pages only 64 pages are truly dealing with the subject. It's closer to a white paper than a book --|About the Author|Ray Terrill is currently employed as an OCP-Certified Oracle Database Administrator for a Fortune 1000 company in the retail sector, and resides in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to his official duties, he owns and operates Innokai LLC, a co

Ray Terrill's Python Programming with Oracle Database is a detailed exploration of the ways in which the Python programming language can be used to interact with the Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). As evidenced by the table of contents, the book covers the broad spectrum of Python/Oracle interactions, including standard SQL, PL/SQL, connecting as a SYSDBA user, and object-oriented database interactions. The book also takes time to provide pr...

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Rating: 4.59 (529 Votes)

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