[Free download] Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing

 | #5701797 in Books |  2009-09-30 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  11.02 x.4 x8.50l,.19 | Binding: Perfect Paperback | 16 pages


Welcome to the third issue of Debugged! MZ/PE magazine! This issue is dedicated to software tracing. The science of memory dump analysis (Memoretics) treats software traces as memory snapshots (dumps) and we can apply pattern-driven analysis techniques to them too. The first article in this issue shows such a unified approach for troubleshooting and debugging complex software problems involving both memory dump and software trace artefacts. The second article reminds us...

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Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan epub
Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan pdf
Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan audiobook
Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan review
Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan summary
Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan textbooks

You easily download any file type for your device.Debugged! MZ/PE: Software Tracing   |  Dmitry Vostokov, Aditya K. Sood, Thomas Monahan. I have read it a couple of times and even shared with my family members. Really good. Couldnt put it down.

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