[Mobile library] Using Python to Develop Analytics, Control and Machine Learning Products

 | #4910622 in Books |  2016-12-15 | Original language:English |  9.00 x.27 x6.00l, | File Name: 1520151454 | 108 pages

People are saying the Internet of Things is the next wave of technology revolution. This book provides a way to ride the wave. The book begins with fundamental theories and core features of Python programming language. Then it progresses to developing 3 increasing complex analytics, control and learning products. Throughout the book, I call the analytics software a product instead of a service. This is because I think “Product” represents a tighter i...

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You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Using Python to Develop Analytics, Control and Machine Learning Products   |  Zhaoyang Wan. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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