[Mobile book] Programming with Qt (2nd Edition)

 | #1048975 in Books |  Matthias Kalle Dalheimer |  2002-01 |  2002-01-29 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.19 x1.10 x7.00l,1.80 | File Name: 0596000642 | 512 pages

 | Programming with Qt

||5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.| Woefully out of date.|By D. Kelley|Unless you are seeking a historical perspective back to rev 3 I would suggest you skip this one. As it was written for Qt3, circa 2002 it has very little that could be called current in today's world of 4.7 and beyond. At the time I wrote this 4.8 has been released, and Nokia (the current Qt owner) has chosen a different path for its own fu|.com |For anyone programming Qt, Programming with Qt, Second Edition provides an excellent one-volume tutorial and reference to virtually all the features and APIs available in the powerful Qt C++ GUI cross-platform library. Whether you are just startin

The popular open source KDE desktop environment for Unix was built with Qt, a C++ class library for writing GUI applications that run on Unix, Linux, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, and Windows NT platforms. Qt emulates the look and feel of Motif, but is much easier to use. Best of all, after you have written an application with Qt, all you have to do is recompile it to have a version that works on Windows. Qt also emulates the look and feel of Windows, so your users ge...

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You easily download any file type for your gadget.Programming with Qt (2nd Edition)   |  Matthias Kalle Dalheimer. Just read it with an open mind because none of us really know.

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