(Free download) GCC 6.1 GNU CPP Reference Manual

 | #7076840 in Books |  Ingramcontent |  2016-08-24 | Original language:English |  11.00 x.19 x8.50l, | File Name: 9888406396 | 84 pages

 | Gcc 6 1 Gnu Cpp Reference Manual


The C preprocessor, often known as cpp, is a macro processor that is used automatically by the C compiler to transform your program before compilation. It is called a macro processor because it allows you to define macros, which are brief abbreviations for longer constructs.

The C preprocessor is intended to be used only with C, C++, and Objective-C source code. In the past, it has been abused as a general text processor. It will choke on input which does...

[PDF.ux18]  GCC 6.1 GNU CPP Reference Manual
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GCC 6.1 GNU CPP  Richard M. Stallman, Zachary Weinberg epub
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GCC 6.1 GNU CPP  Richard M. Stallman, Zachary Weinberg review
GCC 6.1 GNU CPP  Richard M. Stallman, Zachary Weinberg summary
GCC 6.1 GNU CPP  Richard M. Stallman, Zachary Weinberg textbooks
GCC 6.1 GNU CPP  Richard M. Stallman, Zachary Weinberg Free

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