[Free] Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)

 | #498598 in Books |  2012-03-19 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  8.80 x1.30 x7.00l,2.38 | File Name: 0132678209 | 888 pages

||2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.| Challenging|By L. M. Jordan|CPAP is an ambitious effort. Somewhat rough for a 3rd edition. I find many of the coding examples lacking in focus and consequently didactically weak. They should be shorter, clearly illustrating core techniques. For example, the Python/Database chapter takes a non-trivial example and rewrites it for several relational DBs--challenging in itself. It|From the Author|
Update for 2012

  • Already know Python but want to learn more? A lot more? Dive into a variety of topics used in practice for real-world applications.
  • Covers regular expressions, Internet/network programming, GUIs, SQL/databases/ORMs, threading, and Web development.
  • Learn about contemporary development trends such as Google+, Twitter, MongoDB, OAuth, Python 3 migration, and Java/Jython. Presents brand new material on Django, Google App Engine, CSV/JSON/X...

    [PDF.xr27]  Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)
    Rating: 4.56 (437 Votes)

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    You easily download any file type for your device.Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)   |  Wesley J Chun. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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