(Download pdf ebook) Astonishing Legends C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition

 | #14003 in Books |  W. W. Norton |  2008-04-19 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.30 x1.30 x7.60l,2.81 | File Name: 0393979504 | 832 pages

||2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.| but this book is probably the best books among them|By Eric Kang|After reading for several months, I think now I can say this is the "best" C language book I have ever read. I have purchased many books for different languages, but this book is probably the best books among them. It is hard to write a comprehensive and concise language book. However, the author somewhat manage|About the Author|K. N. King (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgia State University. He is the author of Modula-2: A Complete Guide and Java Programming: From the Beginning.

The first edition of C Programming: A Modern Approach was popular with students and faculty alike because of its clarity and comprehensiveness as well as its trademark Q&A sections.

Professor King's spiral approach made it accessible to a broad range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students. With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition was one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. The second edition main...

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Rating: 3.90 (488 Votes)

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You easily download any file type for your device.C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition   |  K. N. King. Which are the reasons I like to read books. Great story by a great author.

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