(Ebook free) AutoCAD Programming in C/C++

 | #5638582 in Books |  Wiley |  1997-04 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.39 x1.14 x7.46l,.0 | File Name: 0471963364 | 510 pages


||8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.| A good overall lesson in the AutoCAD ADS Fundamentals|By zepher@ns.net|This is a must read for anyone interested in programming AutoCAD for either beginning programmers or experienced. The basic foundation layed out by the author is thorough and very informative. Unfortunately, if you have MS Visual C++ 5.0 you will not be able to compile the examples in the book. Hopeful|From the Publisher|This book helps technicians, scientists and engineers create large or small Computer Aided Design (CAD), graphics and visualization applications using C and/or C++. Disk includes all the sourcecode necessary to carry out the programs in the b

This book helps technicians, scientists and engineers create large or small Computer Aided Design (CAD), graphics and visualization applications using C and/or C++. Disk includes all the sourcecode necessary to carry out the programs in the book.

[PDF.hp23]  AutoCAD Programming in C/C++
Rating: 3.75 (730 Votes)

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